In this fast moving world we are trapped in a vicious cycle of money i.e we earn money for a better livelihood and we end up in an unpleasant life we never wished for ourselves and in a race to earn the money. We often wish to get out of this situation and want to enjoy our lives to the fullest. But we neglect the possibility of the situation considering that only rich people can do this as they have enough money for their next three generations. Any person in this world can be free from this money trap and make money work for himself rather than spending time to earn money. We can then spend time with our family, friends and things which we wanted to enjoy in life. This amazing miraculous phenomenon is Financial freedom. For this one needs to understand the fact that this is not a get quick rich method or a lottery that leads to financial freedom. It is purely a game of time and money. We often value money more than time and that leads to the trap in a vi...
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Wow, what a co-incidence! The romans knew it :D